TP-Link UB400 Bluetooth 4.0 Nano USB

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

Original price was: $20,00.Current price is: $16,00.

TP-Link UB400 Bluetooth 4.0 Nano USB adapter. It is a small, black device that plugs into a USB port on your computer. It allows you to connect Bluetooth devices to your computer, such as headphones, speakers, mice, keyboards, and printers.

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TP-Link UB400 Bluetooth 4.0 Nano USB adapter. It is a small, black device that plugs into a USB port on your computer. It allows you to connect Bluetooth devices to your computer, such as headphones, speakers, mice, keyboards, and printers.
The text on the package says that the adapter is Bluetooth 4.0 and that it is compatible with Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. It also says that the adapter is driver-free, so you don’t need to download any software to use it.
According to the TP-Link website, the UB400 can connect to up to seven Bluetooth devices at a time. It also supports EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) technology, which provides faster data transfer speeds than earlier versions of Bluetooth.

